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draft minutes                    

               MARION TOWNSHIP 

            Comprehensive Plan Meeting

                   October 20, 2003


MEMBERS PRESENT:     Jim Anderson, Debra Wiedman-Clawson, Dave Hamann, Jean Root

MEMBERS ABSENT:            John Lowe

OTHERS PRESENT:             Kathleen Kline-Hudson, Livingston County Planning Department

Brian Shorkey, Livingston County Planning Department

                                                Bob Hanvey, Township Supervisor

                                                Annette McNamara, Zoning Administrator



Dave Hamann called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.


Jim Anderson made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.  Debra Wiedman-Clawson seconded. 

Motion carried 4-0.


Jean Root pointed out corrections:

-          Page 5, typo, Kehoe spelled wrong

-          Paragraph above last correction, “John Lowe will request a review letter from Jenny Kramer from Health

 Department on the St. Onge issue,” should have Panhandle easement incorporated into that sentence

Jean Root made a motion to accept the minutes as amended from the September 15, 2003 meeting.

Jim Anderson seconded.  Motion carried 4-0.


Future Land Use Discussion

Brian Shorkey presented Future Land Use Map categories with Phase 1 and Phase 2. Kathleen Kline-Hudson distributed

handout with descriptions of categories. Annette McNamara asked for an explanation of the conservation area. Brian

Shorkey explained it’s a 500 foot buffer that is provided around lakes, wetlands and waterways.  When there is a request

to develop in conservation areas the township will have the leverage necessary to prevent development in sensitive areas.

If two Master Plan categories overlap, the category with a higher density is where the development will go instead of going

in the conservation area. Annette McNamara asked if the zoning map would be amended to reflect this. Brian Shorkey

stated a district would have to be created and adopted.  Kathleen Kline-Hudson explained the zoning ordinance is updated

when a new Comprehensive Plan is adopted.  After everything is in place, the zoning ordinance should coincide with the

Master Plan. There was discussion regarding manufactured housing and changing the terminology by taking the word

 “Park” out. Brian Shorkey asked if 10 dwelling units per acre should be kept. Jean Root asked if density numbers are

mandatory.  Could the density numbers be taken out?  The phrase “shall not exceed” was discussed. Additional discussion

ensued regarding our current Master Plan and having a density included.  Kathleen Kline-Hudson explained that using

recommended lot sizes allows for a second layer of defense. Kathleen Kline-Hudson stated that future land use categories

match up to districts and if there isn’t a recommended density, you don’t know what zoning to use to make it work.

There was discussion regarding non-sewer suburban residential and medium density residential, which comes from

Suburban Residential (SR) district for non-sewer lots. The committee members agreed that they would like more time to

review materials distributed at tonight’s meeting.  Materials can be and discussed at the next meeting when John Lowe,

Chair Person is present. A possible date for the public open house was discussed for January. The next scheduled

Comprehensive Planning meeting was scheduled for November 6, 2003. At that time there will be a review of display

materials for the public open house. It was suggested having a flyer giving notice of the open house be inserted with the

tax bills that go out in December. It was also suggested to announce the open house on WHMI.

The style of the actual open house was discussed. There are two choices:

-          presentation style and then have public submit comments in writing

-          public can review materials at their leisure and write comments down

  Kathleen Kline-Hudson will arrange in the form of a list.




Jean Root made a motion to adjourn at 9:05 p.m.  Debra Wiedman-Clawson seconded.

Motion carried 4-0.