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                                 MARION TOWNSHIP

              AGENDA and DRAFT MINUTES

                           April 26, 2005  





CALL TO THE PUBLIC:    Agenda Items Only – 3 minute limit

APPROVAL OF AGENDA:   April 26, 2005 Regular Meeting    


                     March 22, 2005 Public Hearings

                          March 22, 2005 Regular Meeting

OLD BUSINESS:          

  1. Proposed Text Amendment 6.19 B – Lots to have access
  2. Proposed Text Amendment 3.02 – Definition of Landscape Buffer
  3. Proposed Text Amendment 6.20 E 1 - Condominium Projects
  4. Proposed Text Amendment Article XVIII Site Plan Review Requirements
  5. Site Plan Review Application & Checklist
  6. Proposed Text Amendment 8.01 F 6 & 7 Rural Residential Site Development Requirements
  7. Proposed Text Amendment 8.02 F 6 & 7 Suburban Residential Site Development Requirements
  8. Proposed Text Amendment 6.18 F & G - Condominium Projects
  9. Proposed Text Amendment 8.01 E 6 & 7 Rural Residential Uses Permitted by Special Use Permit
  10. Section 6.20 A - Pre-existing Non Conforming Private Roads
  11. Section 6.20 B – New Private Roads
  12. Private Road Maintenance Agreement template


  1.   Proposed Text Amendment 8.02 E 4&5 Suburban Residential - Uses Permitted by Special Use Permit

  2.  Proposed Text Amendment 8.01 E 17 – Shooting ranges, including gun, rifle, skeet, trap, pistol and archery clubs



                             DRAFT MINUTES



                                       JEAN ROOT, SECRETARY

                                       JIM ANDERSON

                                       DAVE HAMANN, CO-CHAIRPERSON

                                       DEBRA WIEDMAN-CLAWSON


                                        ANNETTE MCNAMARA, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR                                                              PHIL WESTMORELAND, ORCHARD, HILTZ & MCCLIMENT

                                        PAUL SIERSMA, CARLISLE/WORTMAN



The meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m.


John Lowe read the Planning Commission agenda for the regular meeting, April 26, 2005 , 7:35 p.m.  

Jean Root asked to review items under Old Business 8.01E 6 & 7 combined with 8.01 E 17 under 

New Business and make corrections together while in E.   Motion by Jean Root to accept the 

agenda as amended, 2nd by Dave Hamann.  Motion carried 5-0.


The Planning Commission members introduced themselves to the audience.


No response.  John Lowe closed the first call to the public.


Dave Hamann motioned to approve the minutes of March 22, 2005 , 7:15 p.m. , public hearing, 

2nd by Jim Anderson.  Motion carried 4-0.  Debra Wiedman-Clawson abstains.

In the regular meeting minutes, Jean Root wanted to include Section 6.18 in the motion to send 

Sections 8.01 F 7, 8.02 F 7 and 6.20 E to be brought to the April 26, 2005 meeting for the

Planning Commission to review.  Then send the two text amendments off to Livingston County 

Department of Planning (LCDP) along with 6.20 F.  Motion by Jean Root to approve the minutes 

from March 22, 2005 as amended, 2nd by Jim Anderson.  Motion carried 4-0. 

Debra Wiedman-Clawson abstains.


Proposed Text Amendment 6.19 B - Lots to have access

John Lowe said this was supposed to pertain to pre existing non-conforming and it doesn’t really

state that clearly.  And, as it is, it could be interpreted every subdivision there is and every road

there is.  There needs to be some language in there.

Debra Wiedman-Clawson said it needs to be said under the reference of the section we put in for 

non-conforming existing roads.

John Lowe said also in the paragraph where it says in order to obtain a land use permit for a new 

parcel or lot created on a road that needs to be a private road.

Dave Hamann asked where is this going to fall with redoing the whole section on roads.

Debra Wiedman-Clawson, this is under Access Controls.  The problem I have is how we are going

to leave what we have in here, and add this paragraph.

John Lowe, I haven’t decided exactly where to put it, but the language needs to be clarified.

Debra Wiedman-Clawson, can we take B, Lots to Have Access that’s in our current ordinance and 

reword the whole thing to include non-conforming, or stick another section under it that say’s

non-conforming?  This is quite a large paragraph for all parcels and lots having access because 

it’s more referring to the new roads. 

John Lowe Lowe, would you suggest adding it to B as language?

Debra Wiedman-Clawson said or breaking it up B into subsection one and two, one for conforming

and for non-conforming. So that there’s a distinction between the two, because most of that is in

the current is for conforming.

John Lowe said let’s do B 1 and B 2 then?

Debra Wiedman-Clawson Wiedman-Clawson said that’s my suggestion would be.

Jim Anderson Anderson said so you would have paragraphed one either pre existing 

non-conforming or item two related to?

Debra Wiedman-Clawson said what’s in the current ordinance now. 

John Lowe said I think I would make this secondary because it’s much less use, I don’t think I 

would make that the first.

Jean Root said we have issues with people wanting to divide their land on private roads that are 

sub-standard, so I think this was kind of a way to contain that quickly prior to us getting in force a

non-conforming private road ordinance.  So I would like to make sure this gets done soon if we’re 

going to make any more changes to it.

Debra Wiedman-Clawson said I think if we put it in a one and two section and clean up the 

language like Jack had on here a private road that was in existence prior, clean that up a little bit,

I don’t see why it can’t go.

John Lowe, I think it could stay in there really it shouldn’t be the leader.

Jean Root said right but rather than redoing it and saying one and two, if you look down on page

6.19 of our ordinance book, they have two sections, their just not labeled.  But under B it has two

paragraphs, why not just add this as a second paragraph? 

Discussion ensued on Private Roads as to where to put paragraph.

John Lowe is it clear as to where we put this? All reply yes.

John Lowe need motion to send this to County, we’re at that point.

Jean Root asked do you want in the motion that the text is to be amended to include that in every 

spot it is to refer to a private road.

John Lowe is this going to make them demonstrate we don’t want to get into the bureaucracy thing.

Debra Wiedman-Clawson said that’s why we have to put preexisting non-conforming put in there.

Discussion ensued on definition.

Jim Anderson said what your missing in this paragraph is what you really want, not that you stop

the land use, but that you stop it so that a road maintenance agreement can be established, that’s 

not in here and that is what you want.  You still haven’t addressed the problem of people on roads 

with no maintenance agreement.  They go and split it and no body establishes a road maintenance 

agreement. Further discussion ensued on road maintenance agreements.

Jean Root motion to send Section 6.19, Access Controls, Sub Section B Lots To Have Access, as a 

matter of format just adding a second paragraph the submitted text from today’s meeting should

 include adding a private where necessary in sentence one and in sentence two as discussed to be

sent to Livingston County Planning for their review and comments to be forwarded to Board of

Trustees for their review.   Debra Wiedman-Clawson second. Roll call – Jim Anderson yes,

Jean Root yes, Dave Hamann yes, Debra Wiedman-Clawson yes & John Lowe yes.

Proposed Text Amendment 3.02 - Definition of Landscape Buffer

Planning Commission reviewed paper work.

Jim Anderson questioning under BERM should the word intensity be density?

John Lowe said I think what their talking about is the use of the property.

Jim Anderson is that the right word?  You could have two adjacent residentially uses, one with a 

real high density and one with a real low single family density.  You may want to screen that so it’s 

in different intensity.

John Lowe, I think what this would cover if we had a Planned Unit Development (PUD).

Discussion ensued regarding intensity.

Jean Root asked if it should read intensity or intensive uses.

Jim Anderson asked under GREENBELT if it could be mowed.

John Lowe stated or landscaping it doesn’t really address that.

Discussion ensued regarding definition of landscaping or mowing and vegetation (planting).

Jim Anderson stated mowing could be the option of the adjacent property owner and could do 

what they want.

Jean Root motion to send Section 3.02 Definitions/Landscaping as submitted with the exception of 

one adjustment on item one, BERM to Livingston County Planning for their review and comments

to be sent the Board of Trustees for their review & approval. 

I would like to amend my motion to include under item one the whole sentence should state,

 “A mound of earth graded, shaped and improved with landscaping in such a fashion as to provide

 a visual and/or audible screen and a transition between uses or differing intensities or intensive

uses.  Debra Wiedman-Clawson second.  Roll call Jim Anderson yes, Jean Root yes, John Lowe yes,

  Dave Hamann yes, Debra Wiedman-Clawson yes. 

Proposed Text Amendment 6.20 E 1 - Condominium Projects

Jean Root said this went to county and they didn’t like it.  After out last meeting we agreed to add 

plat or condominium or development.  Section 6.20 E 1 deals with private roads and somewhere

along the line as it was originally sent to county it included the word private road, from a private

road that is not interior road.  It was previously submitted stating ‘no lots unit shall be permitted 

driveway access from a road that is not an interior road of the private road development’.  

The county thought that was confusing and vague.  Discussion ensued.

Jim Anderson would like to note this is from the original or the existing 6.20 and now that we have 

6.20 A and 6.20 B paragraph has moved in those sections and will place the language in the 

appropriate paragraph 6.20 A and 6.20 B, the pre-existing non-conforming roads or the new 

private roads.  A point of clarification. Discussion ensued if it should go the County again.

Jean Root would like to motion to sent 6.20 E 1, Connection to County Roads to the Board of 

Trustees for their review and approval as submitted on April 26, 2005, as amended adding private 

road, adding the word private before the second road in the submitted document.  Jim Anderson 

second.  Roll call, Jim Anderson yes, Jean Root yes, John Lowe yes, Dave Hamann yes, Debra

Wiedman-Clawson yes. 

Proposed Text Amendment Article XVIII Site Plan Review Requirements

Questioning which submission is the correct one to be reviewing.  Should be dated April 20, 2005  

Version 2.  John Lowe wants scale. 

Phil Westmoreland said its 40 - 50 range.

Debra Wiedman-Clawson asked what John Lowe was looking for. 

John Lowe replied woodlands.  Want one to put up on a board.

Discussion ensued as to the detail wanted on a site plan.

Dave Hamann said the GIS takes the flyovers every couple years and your concern is that you have

one that is current.

John Lowe said standard is fine.  Minimum of one copy same scale the plans are submitted, to pick 

out what is adjacent.

Debra Wiedman-Clawson said there are going to be contours on these, why muddy with all these 

extra drawing.  And if they do a topography will have accurate topography of the property not 

going off what GIS has, you’ll see it in the site plans.

John Lowe thinking of reference when looking at the pictures of woodlands on it you see valley’s 

on that picture because otherwise not going to be able to transfer the drawing you’re looking at 

necessarily to those contours when you have the picture on the easel. 

Debra Wiedman-Clawson asked what you are trying to get at by looking at those and knowing 

where the valleys are.

John Lowe said if you have steep slopes you wanted to save on the site you would be able to tell

where they were.  Have preservation portion of the thing when doing PUD. 

Discussion ensued regarding PUD.

Jim Anderson commented in this revised Site Plan Requirements on page 18-5, sub-heading

 NATURAL FEATURES, 1 through 5, we do require item #4 under Natural Features, “Location of 

existing woodlands delineated with symbolic lines tracing the spread of the outermost branches” on 

the plan which would show in addition the topography you would be able to see the woodland 

areas and wetland areas are in relation to the grade.

John Lowe said that would be my point, should have it first not at the final when the preliminary

 has been approved.  We’re done at that point and nothing we can change.

Jean Root said I would think all the natural features that whole sub-section 1 through 5, Natural 

Features, should be moved up into the Preliminary.  Also noted item #10 deals with “Existing 

natural and man-made features to be retained or removed” might want to add that to 1 through 5.

Debra Wiedman-Clawson noted #12, “Location of wetlands, drainage courses, and floodplain areas”.

I’m wondering if some of this isn’t already in here under a different wording, so it’s not only in the 

preliminary but in the final, so they have to carry it forward.

Discussion ensued on Natural Features.

John Lowe refers back to the number of copies required.

Annette McNamara said it calls for 20 site plans.  I need 7 copies to send out to various county 

agencies and our consultants for review and approval.  They come back like so many have and 

don’t meet the zoning requirements, and I throw away 14 site plans that cannot be recycled.

Debra Wiedman-Clawson said Livingston Recycle will take any thing on bond paper because we

recycle over 20 bags of paper a week from our office.

Phil Westmoreland “Most everybody know they have to go through a review before they submit the 

sets before the Board.  Initially we want to know how many sets we need for their agencies, submit

those before it goes to next level, planning commission or board, that’s going to review it at that 

point you then call them and ask for the addition sets.

Discussion ensued on number of sets and review time need.

Dave Hamann noted that by law Planning Commission has to review within 45 days a submittal that

 meets our check list as an administratively complete package.  It meets our check list from an 

administratively complete package point of view that’s in our rules and procedures.  So when you

say administratively complete, that means she doesn’t have to go in there and check everything in,

it just said administratively.  It’s complete, you time stamp it from the township’s point of view.  

The Township Planning Act say’s we have to see that request within 45 days.  But if he say’s he’s 

going to keep sending it back and forth between them until they get everything fixed and you have

a situation like one of the people we’ve had here, that don’t want to fix what they say we’re going to

sit here and not have it before the planning commission in 45 days.

Discussion ensued regarding developers getting their site developed.

Jean Root said they’ve reviewed it, found 60% of it wrong, they send us the review letters that say’s

we’re still working with these people we’re addressing the planning commission and we table it.  

Our policy should be not to sit there and debate it for 45 minutes.  If we’ve got that letter from the 

two people we hire, our consultants, and they say flat out it’s not ready to go.  Then before we even

 establish communication with that person, we say look!

Debra Wiedman-Clawson said the only thing I can see is their looking at it as a technical, now we 

send it back and say fix this, give them one chance.

Phil Westmoreland gave his input to this problem.  Make sure it’s going to work on the site.

More discussion ensued regarding final and preliminary and if developer could combine and have to

pay a fee. John Lowe asked about aerial photograph.

Jim Anderson said one aerial color photo same size as the plan.

Debra Wiedman-Clawson leave the application with the 20 and put under general information a 

presentation photo.  Highlight items you want to see.

Discussion on Site Plan Requirements and placement of requirements in document.

Jean Root asked how do the applicants notify you and what point do they need to notify you to 

come out and take a look at it.

Phil Westmoreland - What we‘ll do is once they have their construction plan approval we set up a

pre-construction meeting that‘s part of the requirements in the engineering requirements.  Hold the

pre-construction meeting we tell them the number to call how much notice to give, what to call to

inspect, what the township wants us watching on what kind of basis.  We give them a nice thick 

packet of pre-con meeting notes that everybody gets a copy of with numbers of everyone, developer,

emergency numbers so we can contact them if there is an issue.  We go through that in great detail 

as we go through construction drawing review.  A check point between the designer and a transition

 with the contractor then it hands off to have everyone together saying here are your requirements 

going forward.

Discussion ensued on Site Plan Requirements.

Jean Root motion to table Article XVIII, Site Plan Review Requirements, until revisions have been 

made for our review.  Jim Anderson second.  Motion Carried 5-0.

Jean Root motion to table Site Plan Review Application & Checklist.  Debra Wiedman-Clawson 

second.  Motion Carried 5-0.

Jean Root wants to review 8.01 F 6 & 7, Rural Residential Site Development Requirements, 

8.02 F 6 & 7, Suburban Residential Site Development Requirements and 6.18 F & G, Condominium 

Projects.  All the same, adding language, want continuity.  Only concern is it went to Livingston

County Department of Planning (LCDP) and item #7 under 8.01 and 8.02 should be the same


Jean Root motion to send text amendment 8.01 F 6 & 7 to LCDP and amend item #7 to read

“No lots or units shall be permitted driveway access from a road that is not an interior private road

of the plat or condominium or development.  Upon County Planning approval it shall be sent to the

Township Board for their review and approval.  If the County disapproves, it shall be sent back to

the Planning Commission for their review.  Jim Anderson second.  Roll call Jim Anderson yes,

Jean Root yes, John Lowe yes, Dave Hamann yes, Debra Wiedman-Clawson yes. 

Jean Root motioned to send 8.02 Suburban Residential to LCDP for their review.  Item #7 shall be

amended to read “No lots or units shall be permitted driveway access from a road that is not an

interior private road of the plat or condominium development.  To be sent to County Planning for

their review, upon approval it shall be sent to the Township Board.  Disapproval back to Planning 

Commission for their review.  Jim Anderson second.  Roll call Jim Anderson yes, Jean Root yes, 

John Lowe yes, Dave Hamann yes, Debra Wiedman-Clawson yes.

Jean Root motioned to send proposed text amendment Section 6.18 F & G, Condominium Projects, 

item #F 1 amended to read ‘No lots or units shall be permitted driveway access from a road that is 

not an interior private road of the plat or condominium or development’.  Sent to LCDP for their

review and comments, if approved sent to the Board of Trustees for their review and approval, if

disapproved sent back to Planning Commission for their review.  Jim Anderson second.  Roll Call

Jim Anderson yes, Jean Root yes, John Lowe yes, Dave Hamann yes, Debra Wiedman-Clawson yes.

Discussion ensued about Text amendments 8.01 E 6 & 7, Rural Residential Uses Permitted by Special

Use Permit and 8.01 E 17 Shooting ranges, including gun, rifle, skeet, trap, pistol and archery clubs.

Jim Anderson wishes more discussion regarding child care location.

Jean Root motioned to hold a public hearing for Section 8.01, item E #6 and #17, Rural Residential

Uses Permitted by Special Use Permit, May 24, 2005 at 7:15 p.m.   Dave Hamann second. Motion

Carried 5-0.

Jean Root motioned to hold a public hearing for Section 8.02, item E and amending item #4, 

Suburban Residential - Uses Permitted by Special Use Permit.  Jim Anderson second.  Motion

 Carried 5-0.

Jean Root motioned to table Section 6.20 A, Pre-existing Non Conforming Private Roads, Section 

6.20 B, New Private Roads and Private Road Maintenance Agreement template until our next 

workshop meeting May 16, 2005 .  Debra Wiedman-Clawson second.  Motion Carried 5-0.


Mr. Ramirez, 519 Crofoot.  I was here in February and asked the township to come out and have a

look at my private road.  It was constructed back in 1997 and have been going through quite a few 

issues trying to get it completed.  It is a well constructed road.

At the end of March a meeting hadn’t been set.  I asked Mr. Hanvey to please not schedule a meeting

between April 9th to 16th.  An appointment was set for the 11th, so I couldn’t be there.  Wish I had 

been there because I think a lot of these issues that I do have could have been answered.  But, I do 

appreciate that you came out.

In 1997 I received a list of issues that had to be answered prior to receiving final approval. I met all of

those issues and then in 1998, a little history about the road, I received another list before 

receiving final approval.  About two hours ago, Mr. Hanvey gave me a list of things I had to 

accomplish before final approval.  Like I said earlier, I think a lot of these could have been 

answered on the site.

But, what I see here on the list, if you will look at the list, mostly are maintenance issues.  

That road was constructed 8 years ago.  It hasn’t been touched in 8 years and I think you would

agree that it’s in pretty good shape for something that hasn’t been graded or touched in 8 years. 

What I would like to know, is if according to this list, It’s going to cost me a couple thousand to

hire a bull dozer to come out, make these clean up changes to the road, am I finished?  I want a 

little assurance the process is completed.  Like I said, I’ve gone down this road quite a few times.

 I’m just trying to work with you and get this done.

John Lowe is turning this over to the Township Engineer.

Phil Westmoreland said as far as the issues go, there aren’t a lot of them.  Nothing to significant. 

The road is not in bad shape, needs a little up-grade, little improvement, that’s about it.  And, at 

that point you could consider it an improved private road.  Being a gravel road, even if it was a

paved road, they always do require some on going maintenance, but not for necessarily approval.

John Lowe said I guess what he is saying is that if you comply with the issues on the letter and he

comes out and do one more walk through on the final and those issues are met, you should be 

good to go.

Debra Wiedman-Clawson asked if there is a road maintenance agreement on that property for

that road.

Mr. Ramirez said yes there was during the initial first approval.  You went through all the approval 

at the first drawing there was a maintenance agreement.  Since then I have gone through and 

drafted three more maintenance agreements.  I had my last attorney, David Walker did some 

correspondence back and forth with your attorney and they together put together a final road 

maintenance agreement.

Phil Westmoreland and Mr. Ramirez to work out a schedule for walk through and work on the 

maintenance list.


No response.  John Lowe close call to the public


Dave Hamann motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m.   Jean Root second.  

Motion Carried 5-0.