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                                   MARION TOWNSHIP

                   BOARD OF TRUSTEES

         DRAFT MINUTES / JULY 10, 2003 

MEMBERS PRESENT:            Bob Hanvey, Sue Lingle, Dan Lowe, Myrna Schlittler, and Dave Hamann

MEMBERS ABSENT:                      None                                            



Bob Hanvey called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.




Bob Hanvey asked to have a bill from Tetra Tech added under DPW, and an item to authorize township planner to consult with township

 attorney under New Business.  Sue Lingle asked to have Township Hall Landscaping added under New Business, and the June 12, 2003 Budget

 Public Hearing under Approval of Minutes.

Dave Hamann motioned to approve the agenda as amended.  Sue Lingle seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.  


Budget Public Hearing, July 12, 2003

Sue Lingle motioned to approve the minutes from the July 12, 2003 Budget Public Hearing as presented. 

Dave Hamann seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

Board of Trustees, July 12, 2003

Sue Lingle motioned to approve the minutes from the July 12, 2003 Board of Trustees meeting as presented.  Dave Hamann seconded. 

Motion carried 5-0.

Board of Trustees Special Meeting, June 30, 2003

Myrna Schlittler motioned to approve the minutes from the June 30, 2003 Board of Trustees Special Meeting as presented.

Sue Lingle seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

Ways & Means, July 7, 2003

Dave Hamann motioned to approve the minutes from the July 7, 2003 Ways & Means meeting as presented.

Sue Lingle seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.


Sewer Rate Resolution

Bob Hanvey said the City of Howell had a 2.6% increase in rates.  To remain parallel with that rate, the township will now

charge $2.80 per 1,000 gallons for treatment on metered sewer and $69.77 for flat rates per quarter, effective July 1, 2003. 

Myrna Schlittler moved to approve by resolution an increase in sewer rates for treatment on metered sewer to $2.80 per 1,000 

gallons and $69.77 for flat rates per quarter.  Dave Hamann seconded.  Roll call vote:  Dan Lowe, Myrna Schlittler, Bob Hanvey, 

Sue Lingle, Dave Hamann—all yes.  Resolution passed 5-0. 

Engineering Review Committee Update

Additional information was received from Ayres, Lewis, Norris & May for the Board’s review prior to the next meeting.  

Myrna Schlittler indicated that this firm had been representing the Premier Farms developers and felt it may be a 

conflict of interest.  Bob Hanvey said he thought they were no longer the engineering firm.

Dave Hamann motioned to table this item for further review prior to the next Board meeting.  Sue Lingle seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.  

Lowe Excavating Costs

Sue Lingle motioned to table this item for the next regular Board meeting.  Dave Hamann seconded.  

Motion carried 4-0-1 abstention (Lowe).  


DPW Bills

Sue Lingle motioned to approve the Clark-Hill bill in the amount of $7,515 and forward to DPW for payment.  Dave Hamann seconded. 

Roll call vote:  Dave Hamann, Sue Lingle, Bob Hanvey, Myrna Schlittler, Dan Lowe—all yes.  Motion carried 5-0.

Tetra Tech submitted a bill for the booster station fieldwork.  The amount submitted is $3,995.75 plus miscellaneous expenses for 

a total of $4,034.94.  The maximum agreed fee was $6,000 and an invoice was previously received for $4,324.69, so the amount of

the invoice is the balance, which is $1,675.31. 

Dan Lowe motioned to table the Tetra Tech bill until the next regular Board meeting.  Sue Lingle seconded.  Discussion:  Sue Lingle said 

if we pay up the contract in full, the township would have no leverage for them to finish the job.  Dan Lowe felt there is a lot of work yet to

be done.  Roll call vote:  Bob Hanvey, Myrna Schlittler, Sue Lingle, Dave Hamann, Dan Lowe—all yes.  Motion carried 5-0.

Building Contract

The standard AIA contract was presented, which includes changes suggested by the township attorney.  Bob Hanvey met with the

attorney and there are still concerns about the payment procedure.  The attorney would also like to include something giving the 

township the ability to review contracts between Richland Construction and any subcontractors (for insurance, etc.)  Dan Lowe said 

there are other issues with road paving that will need to be addressed prior to the next regular Board meeting, and this item could be

 tabled until a special Board meeting could be held, hopefully within the next week. Dan Lowe motioned to table the building contract

until a special Board meeting can be held and payment details can be worked out.  Dave Hamann seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

Change in Employee Benefits Package

Bob Hanvey would like the Board to approve a change in the accrual of leave time, although the exact wording hasn’t 

been decided on.  He would like the accrual to be on a monthly basis rather than an annual basis.  He would like the number of days to 

be 12.  This would be a combination of all leave time (vacation, sick, personal). Dave Hamann motioned to modify the employee benefit 

package for leave time to combine leave time into one category to be named later with the accrual rate being one day per month.

Dan Lowe seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

The second change Mr. Hanvey is requesting is to reduce the amount of employee contribution for health insurance from 25% to 10%, 

effective August 1, 2003. Myrna Schlittler motioned to reduce the employee contribution for health insurance from 25% to 10%, 

effective August 1, 2003.  Sue Lingle seconded.  Roll call vote:  Myrna Schlittler, Dan Lowe, Bob Hanvey, Dave Hamann,

Sue Lingle—all yes.  Motion carried 5-0.  

AT&T Cell Tower Lease
Bob Hanvey and Sue Lingle provided comments after reviewing.  Mr. Hanvey reviewed his discussion with the township


       1.The lease has a 5-year renewal option. The lease allows AT&T two options to get out of the lease, but none for the township.

       2.The lease should have an exit clause for the township.

       3.The lease authorizes AT&T to make changes in equipment, etc. Mr. Hanvey feels the Planning Commission needs to be involved in

 any changes in the structure, etc.  In a paragraph entitled “Interference,” there is a phrase that reads, “…nothing contained herein will 

 restrict the tenant nor its successors and assigners from installing and modifying communications equipment.” 

     4. In the paragraph entitled “Insurance”, there is a line that reads, “…the insurance coverage would only be with respect to the landlord’s 

 liability arising of its interest in the property.”  The township attorney is not sure exactly what that means. The attorney will get 

 clarification and/or remove that line.

      5.There is an “Environmental” paragraph that needs to be elaborated on.

       6.Sue Lingle had concerns about the “Access” paragraph and 24-hour access. 

       7.There is a section that reads, “…AT&T will not be responsible for the placement of any trees, shrubs or other vegetation, nor will tenant

 be required to remove from the premises or property any foundations, underground utilities or any part of the communication facility.” 

 This needs to state more clearly that when they are done using it, they need to take it down. Co-locators may be involved, and this language 

needs to be written taking them into consideration.

        8.There is a section about if there is any kind of casualty to the tower, and AT&T decides it’s not worth repairing, they can end the 

lease at that point. Part of that same section requires 48-hours notice and Sue Lingle feels it should be 72-hours notice. The attorney will

 try to improve this language.

       Myna Schlittler pointed out that there are no prices listed in the lease.  Bob Hanvey said the township doesn’t have control, 

although they mentioned $1500. 

         Bob Hanvey said another difficult issue is the legal description of what’s going to be leased. The Land Division statute requires 

a land division for any lease of more than one year.  The parcel won’t have access to an approved private road, so the question is 

how this can be made into a conforming parcel.  This issue needs to be worked out.  Dave Hamann said he was surprised this 

didn’t come up with the Planning Commission.  He thought AT&T would be required to post a bond in case they abandoned the

 tower.  This parcel needs to conform to the requirements for the Public Lands district and needs to comply with the Wireless

 Communications Facilities section of the zoning ordinance.   

     Bob Hanvey suggests that the township needs to work on the language in the lease agreement prior to signing.  He also mentioned

 that the township engineer has approved the site plan issues.

Dan Lowe motioned to table this item until the special board meeting.  Sue Lingle seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

Maurier/Klann Water

Bob Hanvey provided the Board with copies of the estimate from Davis to take care of water service at the Maurier and Klann 

residences.  Mr. Hanvey reviewed this history of this item.  Years ago, when the water went in, the Mauriers and the Klanns signed 

up.  They were part of the special assessment.  It was determined that the pressure at their homes was inadequate.  The township 

agreed to install booster pumps in the houses.  Both parties have told the township that the booster pumps are so noisy, they can’t

run them.  The Klann lead is at the bottom of the driveway, which is about where the cul-de-sac on Georgetown is, and last winter

 it froze. Odien dug it up and determined that the lead came off the main at the point where the main is only between 18” and 3’

beneath the surface and the lead froze at that point.  It was repaired at that time. The township is suggesting that, with the new 

booster pump, they could be connected from the booster pump to the two existing curb stops and the internal booster pumps can 

be removed. A potential use for one of the booster pumps has been determined. This work can’t be done until the pump station is 

running, and work has been delayed a week or so. There is also a problem with the electricity for the site.  Dan Lowe suggested a 

phone call to the Public Service Commission to deal with the Detroit Edison problem.  Phil Westmoreland suggested a call to the 

local government service representative.  Bob Hanvey said he would call on Monday.  Myrna Schlittler asked whether Mr. Hanvey 

had talked with the Klanns and Mauriers about changing addresses.  Mr. Hanvey said he hadn’t talked with them yet, but had talked

 with Jeff Boyd, who is the emergency service coordinator, about the fact that Sanatorium Road ends. In addition, an agreement was

signed by the township indicating that the Klann’s and Maurier’s electric bill would be paid by the township. Sue Lingle said it’s

supposed to be the portion that the pump uses.  Unfortunately, the pumps aren’t on separate meters so there’s no way to tell.

Dan Lowe motioned to table this item for additional bids.  Sue Lingle seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

  Authorization for Township Planner to Consult with Township Attorney

John Ambrose asked for authorization to contact the township attorney to discuss issues. 

Sue Lingle motioned to authorize John Ambrose to consult with township attorney on conflicting issues for the Planning Commission

 with planner and attorney to produce a letter for the PC giving direction.  Myrna Schlittler seconded. 

Dan Lowe amended the motion to authorize John Ambrose to consult with township attorney to clarify issues as requested by the 

Planning Commission and to provide the township with a letter giving direction.  Sue Lingle seconded. 

Original motion roll call vote:  Dan Lowe, Dave Hamann, Myrna Schlittler, Bob Hanvey, Sue Lingle—all yes.  Motion carried 5-0.

Amended motion roll call vote:  Dan Lowe, Dave Hamann, Sue Lingle, Bob Hanvey, Myrna Schlittler—all yes.  Motion carried 5-0.

Building Landscaping

Sue Lingle said several spirea died over the winter and she would like to add 5-6 bushes in front.  It shouldn’t be affected by

construction for the new building. Myrna Schlittler motioned to authorize Sue Lingle to purchase items not to exceed $200.  

Dave Hamann seconded.  Roll call vote:  Bob Hanvey, Dan Lowe, Myrna Schlittler, Sue Lingle, Dave Hamann—all yes.  Motion carried 5-0. 


A comprehensive plan meeting was held in June.  The June Planning Commission meeting included Fox Meadows, 

which was tabled; a site plan review for Pardiac Shell, which was tabled; several ordinances, most of which were tabled;

 and the Open Space Preservation ordinance was modified. There were two public hearings on rezoning, which were 

tabled; and one public hearing on “Lots to Have Access”, which was a change in one word.   


A meeting was held on July 8, 2003.  No new business was discussed.  The current budget and the budget for 2003-04 were 

reviewed.  There is a situation with Genoa Township, who said they won’t pay more for participation than was paid last year.  

This is approximately a $5,000 difference.  Bob Hanvey asked if it’s an equal four-way split. Sue Lingle said no, it’s based on usage.

 Don Miller, city council member and P&R representative, said he’s received many complaints about the decision to not have

 lifeguards at Thompson Lake. The location for the skate park is still undecided. Mark Swanson, director of the Senior Center, is

 investigating having bus trips to Canada for seniors to fill prescriptions.  Ms. Lingle passed out a draft for the Parks & Recreation 

Authority for the Board’s review and comment


Presented at the July 7, 2003 Ways & Means meeting.   


No meeting was held in June.  One case was heard in July for the Yenkel’s on Pingree. They were granted a variance for the front



Provided in packets.


Provided in packets.




Horace (Barney) Cole, 918 Francis Rd., asked whether the Board had considered adding two more members based on growth and 

population.  Ms. Schlittler said the process takes two years.  Mr. Hanvey said the Board would consider this. 


The general fund section of the report will have to be amended at a later date.  Myrna Schlittler motioned to accept the treasurer’s report 

with expenses of $67,964.72.  Dave Hamann seconded.  Roll call vote:   Motion carried 5-0.


Sue Lingle motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.  Dave Hamann seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.