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                                 MARION TOWNSHIP

                       DRAFT MINUTES

                     September 28, 2004  

            PUBLIC HEARING - 7:00 MEETING


MEMBERS PRESENT:   John Lowe, Jean Root, Jim Anderson, Dave Hamann, 

                                    and Debra Wiedman-Clawson

OTHERS PRESENT:        Annette McNamara, Zoning Administrator



The public hearing was called to order at 7:08 p.m.


Dave Hamann motioned to approve the agenda as presented.  Jim Anderson seconded.  

Motion carried 5-0.





Section 7.10—Gross Lot Area

John Lowe read the proposed new language.  The Schedule of Regulations will include a new 

footnote (i) to read as follows:  “Minimum lot area shall be the gross lot area as that term is 

defined in Article 3—Definitions of this zoning ordinance.”

Call to the Public:  None.

Section 6.24—Landscape Buffer

John Lowe read the proposed new language.  Section 6.24—Landscape Buffer shall be deleted in

its entirety and a new Section 6.24 shall be substituted, which will read as follows:  “The Planning 

Commission may require a landscape greenbelt buffer where the impact of a proposed 

development will have a negative impact on existing abutting parcel or parcels.  If such a 

greenbelt is required, it shall be 25-foot wide landscape greenbelt buffer established alongside in 

between the boundaries of the proposed development, and any existing abutting parcels the 

Planning Commission determines could be negatively affected by the proposed development.  

A 50-foot wide greenbelt shall be established adjacent to any public road right-of-way which is 

not located within the project.  The required greenbelt area shall be maintained in natural 

vegetation or landscaping to provide a visual buffer.”

Debra Wiedman-Clawson asked how the township could be sure that trees aren’t removed from

the buffer area.  Mr. Lowe said the township will have to inspect.  Ms. Wiedman-Clawson said 

Hamburg Township does a tree inventory.  Jean Root said there are no definitions provided for

natural vegetation or visual buffer.  Mr. Lowe said that could be added later and asked to have it 

added to the agenda for October 18. 

Call to the Public:  None.

Section 8.01 D 1—Uses Permitted by Right Subject to Special Conditions

Mr. Lowe said the proposal is to add Section 8.01 D 1 to Section 6.24.  This will make Section 

6.24 apply universally to all projects within the township.  It will read as follows:  “Single-family 

subdivision and condominium developments are subject to the following conditions in addition to

the requirements of the Subdivision Control Ordinance:  A 25-foot greenbelt shall be established

along the side and rear of development boundaries; a 50-foot greenbelt shall be established 

adjacent to any public road right-of-way that is not located within the project; the required 

greenbelt area shall be maintained in natural vegetation or landscaping planning to provide a

visual buffer.  The area of the required greenbelt that lies within the boundaries of the lot or unit 

is applied to the area calculation for that lot or unit.” 

Mr. Lowe restated that Section 8.01 D 1, section A, will be moved to Section 6.24.  Section 8.01 D 1

will read as follows:  “Single-family subdivision and condominium developments subject to the

following condition in addition to the requirements of the Subdivision Control Ordinance: no lots 

or units shall be permitted access from roads other than those that are interior to the development.” 

 Jean Root noted a letter from Mike Kehoe dated August 24, 2004 that suggests item B would be 

more appropriate in the condominium project section of the zoning ordinance. 

Call to the Public:  None.






Dave Hamann motioned to close the public hearing at 7:23 p.m.  Jean Root seconded. 

Motion carried 5-0.


                          Regular Meeting - 7:30 PM

MEMBERS PRESENT:   John Lowe,   Jean Root, Jim Anderson,  Dave Hamann                                  

                                             Debra Wiedman-Clawson

OTHERS PRESENT:     Phil Westmoreland & Kristen Lundeen, OHM

                                            Robert W. Hanvey, Supervisor

                                            Annette McNamara , Zoning Administrator




The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.


John Lowe presented the agenda. Ms. Root stated that the agenda needs to be amended to include

Section 6.07 under Old Business, which was in the old minutes and can be inserted under

Section 17.24.  Mr. Lowe suggested moving the Parker High School presentation after Jesse Drive .

Ms. Root moved to approve the agenda as amended. Jim Anderson supported the motion.

Motion carried 5-0.

The Planning Commission members introduced themselves to the audience.


Mr. Lowe made a call to the public. There was no response.


John Lowe presented the minutes of the August 24, 2004 regular meeting. Ms. Root indicated that the

minutes needed some corrections. Ms. Root moved to table the minutes so that they may be corrected.

Mr. Anderson supported the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. Lowe presented the minutes of the August 24, 2004 Public Hearing on The Meadows West.

Ms. Root indicated that the minutes needed some corrections. Ms. Root moved to table the minutes

so that they may be corrected. Mr. Anderson supported the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. Lowe presented the minutes of the August 24, 2004 Public Hearing on the Ordinance Amendments.

Mr. Hamann moved to approve minutes as presented.  Mr. Anderson supported the motion. 

Motion carried 5-0.


The Meadows West Site Plan Review & Special Use Permit

Ms. Wiedman-Clawson stated that she was abstaining from the following discussion.

Mr. Barnwell of Desine Engineering presented the site plan for Meadow West.  Mr. Lowe asked the

township engineer if they had any comments on the proposed plan.  Ms. Lundeen made comment on

some of the areas regarding grading and maintenance issues but stated that in the interest of saving

trees, the increased slopes would be more desirable than tree removal. Other than that, they did not

have any additional comment. The Planning Commission expressed concerns regarding the buffer

being disturbed.  This issue was discussed. Mr. Anderson expressed his uneasiness with this plan

because of tree removal. Mr. Lowe asked if the storm sewer that runs along the southern border of the

site could be relocated to minimize the tree removal. Mr. Barnwell stated that the present location of the

pipe is the most feasible because of grading issues. He stated that replacement trees are proposed at

20 foot centers. The Planning Commission suggested adding retaining walls in the areas between

units 49 and 50 and also on the corner by unit 52 to minimize tree removal. Ms. Root asked if the

replacement trees could be placed on 15 foot centers. Mr. Barnwell stated they could. 

Ms. Root moved to amend the Special Use Permit for The Meadows to include The Meadows West,

tax code number 4710-11-200-013, with the following condition: that the site plan for The Meadows

West is approved subject to Section 17.21.  Mr. Hamann supported the motion.  

Motion carried 3-1-1 abstention. 

Ms. Root moved to approve the site plan for The Meadows West dated 9-2-04, tax code number

4710-11-200-013, contingent upon the following conditions: add retaining walls in the areas between

units 49 and 50 and also on the corner by unit 52 to minimize tree removal; the replacement trees be

placed on 15 foot centers; developer agrees to attempt to save as many internal trees as possible, to

include the letter dated 10-20-04 from the township attorney; to include letter dated 9-21-04 from

township engineer; for clarification the Master Deed and Condominium Documents be provided and

reviewed by the township attorney prior to plan being brought to the township board. Mr. Hamann

supported the motion.  Motion carried 3-1-1 abstention.

Jesse Drive Private Road Site Plan Review

Mr. Depner of Boss Engineering stated that the plan for Jesse Drive has been changed to reflect a

100- foot radius. This has eliminated all but one of the requested variances, road length. The Michigan

Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) permit has been updated. Mr. Depner stated that the

ZBA suggested that he go back to the MDEQ and obtain a letter stating that everything in his power

has been done to alleviate the public safety issues and at the same time minimize the impact on the

wetlands and stating that the MDEQ would not allow the radius to be increased any further as it would

impact the wetlands. At the ZBA meeting, he was able to obtain a letter to that effect; however, he

became aware that the township engineer wanted to have a meeting at the site with the MDEQ. It was

discussed at the meeting that the MDEQ would allow the radius to be increased to the minimum

requirements of the ordinance if a letter could be obtained from the township stating that due to public

safety concerns, approval will not be given with anything less than a 230-foot radius. Mr. Depner stated

that the previous concerns have been addressed with the site plan being changed. Mr. Depner would

like to get final site plan approval contingent upon the one remaining variance being granted. He would

like to go back to the ZBA next week for the road length variance.  Mr. Lowe instructed Ms. McNamara

to construct a letter to the MDEQ from the township stating that due to public safety concerns, approval

will not be given with anything less than a 230-foot radius.

Ms. Root moved to approve the site plan for Jesse Drive, tax code number 4710-22-400-004,

contingent upon a letter being drafted by the Zoning Administrator to the MDEQ stating that a 100-foot

radius is unacceptable for reasons of public safety and that a radius of 230-feet is required per the

zoning ordinance; before the site plan goes before the township board the township attorney shall review

and approve the road maintenance agreement and road easement agreement; the previous suggestions

to the ZBA regarding 6.2 g no longer pertain; the township engineer will review the site plan for

comments dated 9-28-04. Mr. Anderson supported the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Crossroads Apostolic Church – Special Use Permit

Ms. Root moved to set a public hearing date for the Crossroads Apostolic Church Special Use Permit

for October 26, 2004 at 7:15 p.m. Mr. Hamann supported the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Parker High School Presentation

Mr. Breiner presented plans for the Parker High School . He stated that Howell Public Schools maintains

a 15-year plan on demographic projections of growth. Currently we are an 8379-student school district.

The projection is that by the year 2030, Howell will be a 15,000-student district. Howell is the largest

school system in the county.  Mr. Breiner presented images and layout of the new high school.

Mr. Breiner stated that they met with homeowners in the area to address any concerns that they might

have. He stated that a traffic light would be installed at D-19 and Wright Road along with turn lanes.

No improvements to Wright Road are proposed at this time. The sewer and water lines are dedicated

to the school only. Construction will operate during regular business hours. There is a liaison for this

project to address any concerns from the residents in the area. There will be, at times, security at the

site. The Planning Commission thanked Mr. Breiner for his time.

Section 13.03 Common Open Space – Section 8.02 a Suburban Residential Intent –

 Section 17.24 Private Recreational Facilities – Three Proposed Text Amendments

Ms. Root moved to send Section 13.03 Common Open Space, Section 8.02 SR Intent and

Section 17.24 Private Recreational Facilities to County Planning for review and comment.

Mr. Anderson supported the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Section 19.02 Non Conforming Lots

Ms. Root moved to table Section 19.02 until ordinance workshop meeting on October 18, 2004 .

Ms. Wiedman-Clawson supported the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Planning Commission Rules and Procedures of 1996

A letter was presented from Mike Kehoe, township attorney, clarifying suggested language in regard

 to quorums. Ms. Root instructed Ms. McNamara to insert Mr. Kehoe’s comments in the Rules and

Procedures for review at the October 18, 2004 meeting.

Section 6.07 Accessory Structures - Proposed Text Amendment

Ms. Root moved to set a public hearing for Section 6.07 on October 26, 2004 at 7:00 p.m.  

Mr. Hamann supported the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


Mr. Lowe made a call to the public. Mr. Mohr of 3012 Sanatorium wanted to thank the Planning

Commission for being so diligent in its efforts for serving the public. He stated they are doing a good



Mr. Lowe moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m.   Mr. Anderson supported the motion.  

Motion carried 5-0.