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                          MARION TOWNSHIP BOARD 

                                                  December 12, 2002


MEMBERS PRESENT:            Bob Hanvey, Sue Lingle, Dan Lowe, Myrna Schlittler, and Dave Hamann

MEMBERS ABSENT:                      None




Bob Hanvey called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.





Sue Lingle asked to add the collection for school taxes for 2003.  Dave Hamann motioned to approve the agenda as

 amended.   Dan Lowe seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.


Board of Trustees, November 14, 2002:  Sue Lingle motioned to approve the minutes as written.

Myrna Schlittler seconded.  Motion carried 4-0, 1 abstention.

Ways & Means, December 10, 2002:  Sue Lingle motioned to approve the minutes as presented. 

  Dave Hamann seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.


Jaworski Show Cause Hearing

Bob Hanvey asked Dan Lowe if he had an opportunity to take a look at the Jaworski property.  Mr. Lowe had not.

 Dan Lowe motioned to table this issue until the January Board meeting. Sue Lingle seconded. Motion carried 5-0.


DPW Bills

Mr. Hanvey has not confirmed with Tetra Tech what the bill is for.  Dan Lowe motioned to table payment of the 

Tetra Tech bill until that information is received.  Myrna Schlittler seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

Sue Lingle motioned to approve payment of the Pollard & Albertson bill totaling $1,074.50.  Myrna Schlittler seconded. 

 Roll call vote:  Dave Hamann, Sue Lingle, Bob Hanvey, Myrna Schlittler, Dan Lowe—all yes.  Motion carried 5-0.

Cable Franchise

Mr. Hanvey indicated the cable agreement expires in 2004.  If the township renews now, the cable company

 would provide a local access channel at no charge.  The franchise is non-exclusive, and Mr. Hanvey feels it

 would be in the township’s best interest to renegotiate and renew now.  Mr. Lowe asked what the contract

 term was.  Mr. Hanvey said ten years.   Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock, new township residents, had some questions

 regarding existing wiring in their yard.  Mr. Hanvey suggested they contact either the cable company or the

 township offices for help in answering their questions.  Mr. Lowe asked if the length of the contract could be

 negotiated.  Discussion was also held regarding the franchise fee the township receives. 

Sue Lingle motioned to invite the cable company to make a presentation at an upcoming township board meeting. 

  Dave Hamann seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

New Voting Equipment

Myrna Schlittler indicated the county is requiring the township to change to AccuVue machines for voting. 

  Punch cards will no longer be used. If the township continues to use the punch card machines, it will be

 responsible for counting.  Ms. Schlittler said the machines cost approximately $6000 per precinct and the

Township has three precincts.  Ms. Schlittler is asking the board for permission to negotiate with other 

municipalities to obtain a quantity discount.  Bob Hanvey asked if it would be in the township’s best interest 

to order an additional machine for future precincts. Sue Lingle motioned to have Myrna Schlittler negotiate with 

other units to secure discount on new voting equipment.  Dave Hamann seconded.

Roll call vote:  Dan Lowe, Myrna Schlittler, Bob Hanvey, Sue Lingle, Dave Hamann—all yes.  Motion carried 5-0.

Storm Sewers

Mr. Hanvey provided a copy of a letter from Cheryl Bartley from the Field Operations Section of the Shiawassee 

District Office, Water Division, of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.  Ms. Bartley indicates 

that the township is a participant regardless of the results from a mid-decade census.  Mr. Hanvey feels the 

Township should proceed as one of the regular members rather than partnering the City of Howell, 

although more information needs to be gathered.  The permit application deadline is March 10, 2003.  

Mr. Hanvey feels the township should join with the intergovernmental agreement.  Dave Hamann motioned 

to table this issue and invite a representative from the engineering firm of Hubbell, Roth & Clark to the

 January 9, 2003 board meeting.  Sue Lingle seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

Liquor License

Ms. Schlittler said the Fraternal Order of Eagles has had a license in the township since 1977, and is requesting 

to transfer it from National Street to Schroeder Park Drive.  Dan Lowe motioned to transfer the liquor license 

for the Eagles.  Dave Hamann seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

Raise for Secretary

Ms. Schlittler stated she would like the secretary to make the same salary as the deputy clerk and the 

DPW Coordinator. Mr. Hanvey asked if this was related to the secretary doing more work while the 

Deputy Clerk is gone.Ms. Lingle was concerned that this isn’t the time of year that merit raises are given. 

Ms. Schlittler indicated that merit raises have been given in the past at other times. 

  Discussion was held about how to make the process fair to all employees. 

Dave Hamann asked if the township had considered a payroll policy that provided if an employee performs 

another employee’s functional role, they would receive that employee’s salary during that period. 

Sue Lingle motioned to increase the salaries for the DPW Coordinator and the Secretary/Assistant Zoning Administrator 

by one dollar per hour for the period of time they will be assuming extra duties .Dave Hamann seconded.

Roll call vote:  Myrna Schlittler, Bob Hanvey, Dan Lowe, Dave Hamann, Sue Lingle—all yes.  Motion carried 5-0.

2003 School Tax

Ms. Lingle indicated she received a letter from Rick Terres of Howell Public Schools regarding the payment the Township

 receives per parcel for collecting school taxes. The SET tax will now be collected on the summer tax only.  

Ms. Lingle is requesting permission from the board to negotiate the amount received. Myrna Schlittler motioned to grant

 Sue Lingle permission to negotiate with the Howell Public Schools on the amount.  Dave Hamann seconded.  

Motion carried 5-0.


Provided in packets.


Mr. Hamann is the new township representative to the Planning Commission.  Mr. Hamann indicated that at the November 26

 Planning Commission meeting, the Jesse Drive case was sent back to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) along with having

 the township engineer at that meeting.  The second case was the AT&T Communication Tower, which will be scheduled for a 

public hearing.  The Wolfe Ridge private drive was approved with conditions. The Planning Commission election was held for

 the year.  John Lowe was re-elected as chairman, Dave Hamann was elected vice chairman, and Jean Root was re-elected 

as secretary.  Ordinance amendments were tabled until the December 17 workshop.  A Comprehensive Plan meeting

with the Livingston County Planning Department was held on December 10. 


The Zoning Board of Appeals had three cases:  the Currie case was tabled at the applicant’s request;

 the Castle case was tabled for additional information from the Livingston County Road Commission 

regarding the driveway; the Hill case was tabled for more information regarding the elevation. 


Provided in packets.


Ms. Lingle said two meetings were held during the month.  The first is the Parks & Recreation Steering Committee. 
  Reports from the various departments were reviewed at the regular Parks & Recreation meeting. 
  However, no quorum was present and the meeting concluded early.  Ms. Lingle also provided a handout from 
the Michigan Natural Resource Trust Fund that the township made application for. 
The township missed the number of points required to be eligible for grant monies this year. The Land and Water 
Conservation Fund (LWCF) is the one the township does qualify for, and Ms. Lingle feels the township has a better 
chance of receiving these funds.  The Howell Parks & Recreation held a 50-year anniversary celebration at the 
Bennett Recreation Center on December 11, 2002.

Mr. Hanvey indicated the Georgetown booster pump purchase order was received from Barry Simescu.  The Drain Commission

will help the Township by having the pump unloaded by a DPW truck rather than the contractor’s truck, which will save the

Township approximately $6,000 in sales tax. 




Ms. Lingle presented the report, which indicated $80,530.65 spent last month from the general fund.  Part of that amount 

was the November payment for $34,541.30 to the Howell Area Fire Authority.  Ms. Schlittler asked about the notation for 

Paychex payroll preparation.  Dave Hamann motioned to accept the treasurer’s report.  Myrna Schlittler seconded.  

Motion carried 5-0.


Myrna Schlittler motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Dave Hamann seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.